Thursday, August 16, 2018

Internet Marketing and e-Commerce, 2nd Edition
#Internet #Marketing and #eCommerce, 2nd Edition
#Price :₹ 544.00/-
@Author #Hanson
#Publisher #CengageLearning
#ISBN 9788131517123
#KirthiKalyanam #OnlineMarketing #DigitalMarketing #OnlineResearch #TrafficBuilding #OnlineBranding
Retail Price: 625.00/-
Price: 544.00/-


Title NameInternet Marketing and e-Commerce 
Author NameWard Hanson & Kirthi Kalyanam
Publisher NameCengage Learning
RemarksBook from Cengage Learning

Contents Page No.
Part 1Foundations1
Chapter 1Introduction2
 Creating a Commercial Internet5
The Noncommercial Net: 1969-19946
The Internet Explosion8
The Internet as a Global Resource14
Technology and Marketing21
Technology Impacts21
General Purpose Technologies and Marketing25
Our Approach30
Book Material30
Chapter 2A Digital World36
 Being Digital38
Digital Technology38
Digital Benefits for Marketing39
Moore's Law and Digital Power39
A Trillion Times Cheaper39
Using Moore's Law42
Will Moore's Law Continue?48
Digital Environments49
The Folly of Business-as-Usual49
Digital Environment Components50
Digital Convergence57
Converging Industries and Technology57
How Digitizing Works59
Digitizing Marketing Processes62
Chapter 3Networks68
 The Network Evolves71
Maturing and Expanding71
Contents and Communication73
Technology Standards81
Network Science85
The Geometry of Social Networks85
Marketing with Networks94
Creating Value with Networks94
Chapter 4Individuals Online104
 Patterns of Internet Usage107
The Necessary Internet107
The Behavioral Internet118
Individualization as a GPT130
The Individualization GPT130
Part 2Essential Skills141
Chapter 5Web Business Models142
 Valuing Contacts146
Marketing Actions and Responses147
The Value of a Customer Contact149
Customer Lifetime Value157
Web Benefits to Firms159
Improves Processes160
Revenue Benefits165
Chapter 6Online Branding176
 Brands and Online Brand Building179
The Branding Business179
Connecting Branding Strategy to Online Presence183
Online Brand Presence and Enhancement185
Establish Proper Brand Identity185
Enhance Brand Meaning193
Reinforce Right Brand Responses195
Forge Brand Relationships202
Chapter 7Usability, Credibility, and Persuasion212
 The Web Site Visit217
Visit Dynamics217
Creating Useful Information224
Customer Support233
Credibility and Persuasion238
Web Site Credibility238
Persuasive Designs241
Chapter 8Traffic Building248
 The Difficult Battle for Web Traffic250
Value and Scarcity250
A Web Traffic Plan254
Traffic-Building Sources254
Traffic Volume and Quality258
Traffic-Building Goals262
Search Engine Marketing266
Site Optimization266
Keyword Advertising269
Traffic by Association279
Banner Ads279
Co-Branding and Placement282
Chapter 9Personalization286
 Personalization Benefits289
Why  Personalization?289
The "Democracy of Goods"291
Turning Experience Goods into Search Goods291
Personalization and The Total Product292
The Personalization Balance296
Personalization Approaches298
Mass Customization302
Choice Assistance307
Personalized Messaging316
Chapter 10Creating Commitment324
 Online Community327
Community Loyalty327
Community Content331
Learning from Online Communities341
Retention Marketing345
Customer Base Analysis345
Dialogue Marketing349
Chapter 11Innovation and the Net356
 The Need for Speed360
Internet Time360
Business Implications of Internet Time361
Standards Marketing364
The Importance of Standards364
The Two Types of Standards365
Standards Strategy370
New Product Development Online373
Improving Traditional New Product Development373
Modular New Product Development379
Early Feedback383
Rapid Release386
Chapter 12Pricing in an Online World390
 Pricing and the Net393
The Power of Pricing 393
The Standard Pricing Answer394
Price Sensitivity and Online Information396
Advanced Pricing Online408
Time-Based Pricing409
Personalized Pricing419
Bundle Pricing420
Part 3e-Commerce427
Chapter 13Internet Retailing428
 Online Retailing Develops431
Internet-Enabled Retailing436
iPACE and the Online Shopping Process437
Implementing iPACE448
Multi-Channel Retailing460
Multi-Channel Shopping Behavior460
Multi-Channel Challenges461
Chapter 14Consumer Channels468
 Consumer Channels and the Internet471
Channel Design471
Existing Customers475
Presale Information475
Selling Through Online Intermediaries476
Direct Sales480
Expanding Markets490
New Domestic and International Locations491
Selling the Long Tail492
Online Closeouts494
Chapter 15B2B e-Commerce500
 B2B e-Commerce Evolves503
Customers and Channels508
New Sales and Buying Centers509
Facilitating Repeat Purchase512
Indirect Materials514
Direct Materials and Dynamic Building519
Supply Chain Coordination526
Demand Visibility and Vendor Managed Inventory526
The New Product Introduction Process517
Global Data Synchronization529
Chapter 16Online Research534
 Running a Survey537
Types of Online Surveys538
Survey Quality541
Finding the Right Audience545
Panel versus log File Measurements545
Domains and Tracking547
Trends and Duplications548
Source and Loss Analysis550
Demographic and Behavioral Composition553
Reach, Frequency, and CPM Analysis555
Monitoring Congestion and Delay556
Sources of Delays556
Monitoring and Managing Delays561
Chapter 17Organizing for Online Marketing566
 Organizing for Online Tasks569
Aligning Structure and Strategy569
Avoiding Legal Pitfalls577
Looking Forward587
The Long View587
If the Net Marketing GPTs Continue to Develop…590

About the Authors

Ward Hanson, Stanford University
Dr. Ward Hanson is a member of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, where he is a Fellow and Policy Forum Director. Previous faculty positions include the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Purdue University Krannert School of Management, and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He is an adviser, expert witness, and consultant to leading firms in Silicon Valley and beyond. He has a Master’s and Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
 Dr. Hanson analyzes the economics and marketing of new technology. His current areas of Internet research include governmental policy choices and their impact on the Internet, the rise of individualization as a general purpose technology, and quantitative models of online business. Other research interests include product line pricing, competitive strategy, and the diffusion of innovative energy alternatives.
Professor Hanson created the first Stanford Graduate School of Business Internet marketing class in 1996 (one of the first in the world and repeated many times), pioneered an online version of the class in 2000, teaches a course on the economics of the Internet, and is developing a class in the use of online tools for policy analysis and persuasion. His previous book, Principles of Internet Marketing, has been adopted worldwide and translated into multiple languages, including Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. Offline, he enjoys golf, cycling, political debates, and family.

Kirthi Kalyanam, Santa Clara University
Dr. Kalyanam is the J.C. Penney Research Professor and Director of Internet Retailing in the Retail Management Institute at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University. A recognized leader in the field of Internet Marketing and Retailing, he co-produces Internet Retailing Boot Camps with and has served as an advisor to the State of Retailing Online (SORO) research study.
Dr. Kalyanam's current research interests focus on Internet Marketing, Retailing, and Multi-Channel marketing. He teaches on these topics in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs and has won awards for his teaching and research. He also advises early stage start-ups and serves as an expert witness.

Professor Kalyanam has a Ph.D. from the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University. He was also most recently the Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of SpinCircuit Inc. He is an avid mountain and road biker and enjoys swimming, surfing, time with his family, and travel.

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General Information
PublisherCengage Learning
Publish YearJanuary 2012
Retail Price: 625.00/-
Price: 544.00/-


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