Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Articleship Assessment MCQs Level 1 & II

Articleship Assessment MCQs Level 1 & II, 2018 Edition, Price:₹546.00, Author(s)-Tejpal Sheth and Ravi Taori, Publisher-Taxmann Publications, ISBN-9789388266369, 5.00% off. This book covers many aspects of CA practice. Taxmann has framed MCQs as per sample MCQs issued by ICAI and practical training generally imparted to CA students.

Articleship Assessment MCQs Level 1 & II, 2018 Edition, Tejpal Sheth and Ravi Taori, Taxmann Publications, CA, CA practical Training, Accounts, Audit, Corporate Laws

#ArticleshipAssessmentMCQsLevel1&II #2018Edition #Price:₹546.00 #Author(s) #TejpalSheth and #RaviTaori #Publisher #TaxmannPublications #ISBN #9789388266369 #Discount #5.00%off #CA #Accounts #Audit #CorporateLaws #CABooks #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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