Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Standards on Auditing A Practitioner's Guide

Standards on Auditing A Practitioner's Guide, Edition-First Edition, Publish Year-October 2018, Seller Price:₹1271.00, Author-CA Kamal Garg, Publisher-Wolters Kluwer, ISBN-9789388313292, 15.00% off. This TextBook  is very useful tool for Statutory Auditors of Corporates Entities. The book has been divided in two divisions. Division I, has the key highlights and practice pointer issues on Standards on Auditing and Standards for Engagement, Review, Related Services (SAs, SAEs, SREs, SRSs). In Division II, detailed Audit Checklist has been provided for relevant items of Financial Statements, including MAT liability or credit and CARO 2016 with clause by clause specimen reporting 

Standards on Auditing, A Practitioner's Guide, First Edition, October 2018, CA Kamal Garg, Wolters Kluwer, Audit, Auditing, Engagement and Quality Control Standards (EQCS), Audit Checklists, Accounting Queries, Accounting Standards, CARO 2016   

#StandardsonAuditing #APractitioner'sGuide #Edition #FirstEdition #PublishYear #October2018 #SellerPrice #₹1271.00 #Author #CAKamalGarg #Publisher #WoltersKluwer #ISBN #9789388313292 #Discount #15.00%off #FreeShipping #Auditing #Accounting&Auditing #Accounting&AuditingBooks #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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