Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Bone Marrow Pathology 5th Edition 2019

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Meripustak : Wiley Bone Marrow Pathology 5th Edition 2019 by Barbara J Bain and David M Clark and Bridget S Wilkins Available on “”.
Publish Year : March 2019
Author(s) : Barbara J Bain and David M Clark and Bridget S Wilkins
Publisher : Wiley
Binding : Hardbound
ISBN : 9781119398127
Discount : 25.00% off
Bone Marrow Pathology has been extensively revised to reflect the significant advances which have occurred in the application of cytogenetics and in particular, molecular genetics in the diagnosis, classification and understanding of haematological disorders. This comprehensive book not only provides information on all common disease entities, but also covers rare disorders in which bone marrow examination is useful. It is designed as a practical resource with ‘problems and pitfalls’ highlighted throughout to aid laboratory diagnosis.
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Barbara J Bain and David M Clark and Bridget S Wilkins, Wiley, Wiley Bone Marrow Pathology 5th Edition 2019, Bone Marrow Pathology, Bone Marrow, Haematological Disorders, Bone Marrow Examination, Buy Books Online, Buy Pathology Books Online, Online Book Store
For More Details Click Here

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