Wednesday, March 6, 2019

MICRONS-Microbiology Simplified 2nd Edition 2019

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CBS Publishers & Distributors MICRONS-Microbiology Simplified 2nd Edition 2019 by Malathi Murugesan available at "MeriPustak".

Publish Year : February 2019
Author(s) : Malathi Murugesan
Publisher : CBS Publishers & Distributors
Binding : Softbound
ISBN : 9789388725903
Discount : 13.00% off

Key Features:-
  • Sample Video questions covered
  • Authored by leading faculty of various institutes Simplified and Lucid approach to the subject
  • Integrated approach with other subjects like Pharmacology, Pathology, Surgery & Medicine
  • Special emphasis on Mycology and Parasitology (trending topics in PGMEE)
  • Enriched with latest updates about BMW rules 2016, Zika virus, Ebola virus, MERS-CoV, recent updates in vaccines
  • Important points from PGMEE perspective highlighted
  • Separate section on Infectious Diseases developed with reference from Harrison's 20/e and Mandell's Infectious Diseases
  • Special emphasis on Antimicrobial susceptibility
  • Strong facebook/online support for queries
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