Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Forensic Medicine Nothing beyond for PGMEE (New SARP Series for NEET/NBE/AI) 3rd Edition 2019

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Buy Forensic Medicine Nothing beyond for PGMEE (New SARP Series for NEET/NBE/AI) 3rd Edition 2019 by J Magendran at “Meripustak”.
Publish Year : February 2019
Author(s) : J Magendran
Publisher : CBS Publishers & Distributors
Binding : Softbound
ISBN : 9789388725804
Discount : 13.00% off
Key Features:-
  • 2019 Edition with all new updates/Qs covered upto Jan 2019.
    Most Comprehensive Colored book on Forensic Medicine with detailed Medicolegal Aspects.
  • The only Book covering recent Amendments in the Indian Laws.
  • Compiled by leading faculty & Subject Expert of Forensic Medicine.
  • Covering 700+ Qs with Explanations, 300+ IBQs & 700 Colored Illustrations.
  • Spotters provided will help you in visual memory for image-based questions and also in UG Practical Exams.
#Books #Forensic #Medicine #PGMEE #Discount #FreeShipping #Sale
For More Details Click Here

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