Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Multilateral Instruments Indian Perspective (1st Edition)

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Bloomsbury’s Multilateral Instruments An Indian Perspective by VIKRAM NAIK Edition 2019 at “Meripustak”.
Publish Year : February 2019
Author(s) : CA Vikram Naik
Publisher : Bloomsbury India
Binding : Paperback
ISBN : 9789387457416
Discount : 11.00% off
Key Highlights of the Book :
  • The book is a practical guide providing a detailed explanation of provisions of Multilateral Instrument.
  • The book aims to provide understanding on construct of Multilateral Instrument, on method of applying the same and explaining the provisions.
  • The book is aimed at all the professionals, students and other academicians who wish to gain a practical understanding of the new international taxation law applicable to tax treaties.
  • Guidance on construct of Multilateral instrument and how to read the instrument.
  • Detailed explanation on each provisions of Multilateral instruments.
  • Examples to simplify complex provisions.
  • Position of India on various provisions of Multilateral Instruments.
  • Position of major trading companies on Multilateral Instruments.
  • Impact of the provisions of Multilateral Instruments on various open issues on international taxation in India.
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