Monday, March 11, 2019

Dermatology Nothing Beyond for PGMEE (New SARP series for NEET/NBE/AI) 2019

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CBS Publishers & Distributors Dermatology Nothing Beyond for PGMEE (New SARP series for NEET/NBE/AI) 2019 by Manish Soni Available at “MeriPustak”.
Edition : 1st Edition 2019
Publish Year : February 2019
Author(s) : Manish Soni
Publisher : CBS Publishers & Distributors
Binding : Softbound
ISBN : 9789388725774
Discount : 11.00% off
Key Features:-
  • Thoroughly updated with fully coloured images for better understanding.
  • Facts and concepts based on latest editions of Book’s, Fitzpatrick, King Holmes, Bolognia, Habif, Andrews, McKee, Lever, IAL, Wolverton & Neena Khanna.
  • Tips & tricks and mnemonics for easy remembrance and quick retention of concepts.
  • Latest exam pattern MCQs with detailed explanations (special emphasis on image-based questions)
  • Recent updates, recent drugs & important facts discussed separately for giving you an extra edge.
  • Flow charts , diagnostic boxes and one liners at the end of each chapter for quick revision.
  • 600+ Relevant real-time photographs to help you correlate the pathologicalchanges in a perfect manner.
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For More Details Click Here

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