Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A working digest on Law of Evidence

A working digest on Law of Evidence, 2018 Edition, Publish Year-November 2018, Price:₹2061.00, Author-Bharat P Maheshwari, Publisher-Thomson Reuters, ISBN-9789386374523, 15.00% off. The Digest has been prepared with the approach of Trial Court which is equally useful/relevant for Judges and Advocates of higher courts as well. The book contains digest of case laws in a lucid and concise form.

A working digest on Law of Evidence, 2018 Edition, November 2018, Bharat P Maheshwari, Thomson Reuters, The Law of Evidence,

#AworkingdigestonLawofEvidence #2018Edition #PublishYear #November2018 #Price #₹2061.00 #Author #BharatPMaheshwari #Publisher #ThomsonReuters #ISBN #9789386374523  #Freeshipping #Discount #15.00%off #TheLawofEvidence #LegalBooksOnline #OnlineBookStore

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