Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Law Of Disciplinary Proceedings in India

Law Of Disciplinary Proceedings in India, Publish Year-November 2018, Price:₹1233.00, Author(s)-S S Udadhyay and Sachin Upadhyay, Publisher-Thomson Reuters, ISBN-9789386374707, 15.00% off. This book comprehensively covers all laws relating to disciplinary proceedings or departmental enquiries against government employees under the central and state governments. Extensive coverage of case laws digest is also there at relevant places in each chapter.

Law Of Disciplinary Proceedings in India, November 2018, S S Udadhyay and Sachin Upadhyay, Thomson Reuters, Law Of Disciplinary Proceedings, Disciplinary Proceedings, Service Law Books, Legal Books Online, Online Book Store

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