Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Novel and Conventional Methods of Audit Investigation and Fraud Detection Edition 2018

Novel and Conventional Methods of Audit Investigation and Fraud Detection Edition 2018, Edition-4th Edition, Seller Price:₹2486.00, ISBN-9789388313377, Author-CA Chetan Dalal, Publisher-Wolters Kluwer, 17.00% off. The objective of this book is to provide practical approach for investigation to auditors and person entrusted with the task of investing white collar crimes.

Novel and Conventional Methods of Audit Investigation and Fraud Detection Edition 2018, 4th Edition, CA Chetan Dalal, Wolters Kluwer, Novel and Conventional Methods of Audit Investigation and Fraud Detection, Audit Investigation and Fraud Detection, Nature Of Fraud And Existing Scenario Of Auditing Practices, Novel Appraoch Towards Investigation, Novel Methods, Legal Aspects And Auditing Standards In India

#NovelandConventionalMethodsofAuditInvestigationandFraudDetectionEdition2018 #Edition #4thEdition #SellerPrice #₹2486.00 #ISBN #9789388313377 #Author #CAChetanDalal #Publisher #WoltersKluwer #Discount #17.00%off #Freeshipping #NovelandConventionalMethodsofAuditInvestigationandFraudDetection #AuditInvestigationandFraudDetection #Auditing #AuditingBooksOnline #Accounting&Auditing #Accounting&AuditingBooksOnline #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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