Monday, November 19, 2018

Structures And Their Analysis

Structures And Their Analysis, Publish Year-June 2016, Seller Price:₹6118.00, Author-FUCHS M B, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319310794, 23.00% off. Addressing structures, this book presents a classic discipline in a modern setting by combining illustrated examples with insights into the solutions. Although intended for an advanced level of instruction it has an undergraduate course at its core. Further, the book was written with the advantage of having massive computer power in the background, an aspect which changes the entire approach to many engineering disciplines and in particular to structures.

Structures And Their Analysis, June 2016, FUCHS M B, SPRINGER, Engineering

#StructuresAndTheirAnalysis #PublishYear #June2016 #SellerPrice #₹6118.00 #Author #FUCHSMB #Publisher #SPRINGER #ISBN #9783319310794 #Discount #23.00%off #Freeshipping #Mechanical/ProductionEngineeringBooks #Engineering #EngineeringBooksOnline #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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