Monday, November 19, 2018

Multi Hazard Approaches To Civil Infrastructure Engineering

Multi Hazard Approaches To Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Publish Year-June 2016, Seller Price:₹11558.00, Author-GARDONI P, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319297118, 23.00% off. This collection focuses on the development of novel approaches to address one of the most pressing challenges of civil engineering, namely the mitigation of natural hazards. The current volume addresses concerns related to overall safety, sustainability and resilience of the built environment when subject to multiple hazards: natural disaster events that are concurrent and either correlated (e.g., wind and surge); uncorrelated (e.g., earthquake and flood); cascading (e.g., fire following earthquake); or uncorrelated and occurring at different times (e.g., wind and earthquake).

Multi Hazard Approaches To Civil Infrastructure Engineering, June 2016, GARDONI P, SPRINGER, Multi Hazard, Civil Infrastructure Engineering, Natural Hazards, Human-Made Hazards, Hazards, Civil Engineering, Engineering

#MultiHazardApproachesToCivilInfrastructureEngineering #PublishYear #June2016 #SellerPrice #₹11558.00 #Author #GARDONIP #Publisher #SPRINGER #ISBN #9783319297118 #Discount #23.00%off #Freeshipping #MultiHazard #CivilInfrastructureEngineering #CivilEngineering #CivilEngineeringBooksOnline #Engineering #EngineeringBooksOnline #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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