Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Biophotonics Concepts To Applications

Biophotonics Concepts To Applications, Publish Year-August 2016, Seller Price:₹5778.00, Author-KEISER G, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9789811009433, 23.00% off. The topics include the fundamentals of optics and photonics, the optical properties of biological tissues, light-tissue interactions, microscopy for visualizing tissue components, spectroscopy for optically analyzing the properties of tissue, and optical biomedical imaging. This book introduces senior-level and postgraduate students to the principles and applications of biophotonics.

Biophotonics Concepts To Applications, August 2016, KEISER G, SPRINGER, Biophotonics, Principles and Applications of Biophotonics

#BiophotonicsConceptsToApplications #PublishYear #August2016 #SellerPrice #₹5778.00 #Author #KEISERG #Publisher #SPRINGER #ISBN #9789811009433 #Discount #23.00%off #Freeshipping #Biophotonics #PrinciplesandApplicationsofBiophotonics #Biomedical&BiomaterialsBooksOnline #Medical #MedicalBooksOnline #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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