Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Competition Law in India and Interface With Sectoral Regulators

Competition Law in India and Interface With Sectoral Regulators, 2019 Edition, Publish Year-November 2018, Price:₹1736.00, Author-Dr Souvik Chatterji, Publisher-Thomsan Reuters, ISBN- 9789386374721, 13.00% off. The book has given overview about the major infrastructure sectors in India.

Competition Law in India and Interface With Sectoral Regulators, 2019 Edition, November 2018, Dr Souvik Chatterji, Thomsan Reuters, Competition Law

#CompetitionLawinIndiaandInterfaceWithSectoralRegulators #2019Edition #PublishYear #November2018 #Price #₹1736.00 #Author #DrSouvikChatterji #Publisher #ThomsanReuters #ISBN #9789386374721 #Discount #13.00%off #Freeshipping #CompetitionLaw #CompetitionLawBooksOnline #LegalBooksOnline #OnlineBookStore

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