Friday, November 23, 2018

Hair And Scalp Disorders Medical Surgical And Cosmetic Treatments 2nd Edition

Hair And Scalp Disorders Medical Surgical And Cosmetic Treatments 2nd Edition, Publish Year-August 2018, Price:₹11555.00, Author-Amy J McMichael and Maria K Hordinsky, Publisher-Taylor & Francis, ISBN-9781842145920, 25.00% off. A succinct and comprehensive guide examining the treatment of hair and scalp disorders, with a special emphasis on how hair type, morphology, and ethnicity can impact on hair disease and treatment.

Hair And Scalp Disorders Medical Surgical And Cosmetic Treatments 2nd Edition, August 2018, Amy J McMichael and Maria K Hordinsky, Hair And Scalp Disorders, Morphology, Dermatology

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