Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Pediatric And Adult Mri Atlas Of Bone Marrow Normal Appearances Variants And Diffuse Disease States

Pediatric And Adult Mri Atlas Of Bone Marrow Normal Appearances Variants And Diffuse Disease States, Publish Year-August 2016, Seller Price:₹10198.00, Author-ILASLAN H, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783642027390, 23.00% off. This comprehensive atlas is unique in being devoted to the MRI appearances of bone marrow in the axial and appendicular skeleton of adults and children.

Pediatric And Adult Mri Atlas Of Bone Marrow Normal Appearances Variants And Diffuse Disease States, August 2016, ILASLAN H, SPRINGER, Pediatric And Adult Mri Atlas Of Bone Marrow, Pediatric And Adult Mri, Atlas Of Bone Marrow, Bone Marrow, Radiology

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