Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Corporate Accounting (Set of 2 Volumes) - B.Com (Hons.)

Edition : 6th Edition 2019
Publish Year : January 2019
Price : ₹660.00
Author(s) : Bhushan Kumar Goyal
Publisher : Taxmann Publications
ISBN : 9789388750110
Discount : 5.00% off
A UGC recommended authentic and comprehensive text book on’Corporate Accounting’ for B.Com. (Hons.) [Three years (6-Semester)CBCS Programme of Central Universities throughout India].
  • It has been written in a systematic manner for easier understanding of the various topics.
  • Illustrations and practical questions cover the questions asked in the university examinations and professional courses.
  • Questions on banking companies have been solved as per latest RBI Guidelines.
  • Financial Statements have been prepared as per Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013 and revised Accounting Standard 4.
  • Accounting Treatment as per Ind AS is also given.
Objective and theoretical questions have been given in Volume I and practical questions have been given in Volume II. Answers of selected theory questions have also been given in Volume II. Question Paper has been given at the end of Volume II.
Corporate Accounting (Set of 2 Volumes) – B.Com (Hons.), Bhushan Kumar Goyal, Taxmann Publications, Corporate Accounting, Taxmann’s Corporate Accounting Corporate Accounting for B.Com. (Hons.), Textbook on Corporate Accounting, Textbook on Corporate Accounting for B.Com. (Hons.), Under Graduate, Under Graduate Books, Under Graduate Books Online, Academic Books Online, Academic Exam Books Online, Entrance Exam Books Online, Online Book Store, Online Books In India, Online Books Store India, Online Books Shopping
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