Monday, January 21, 2019

Orofacial Pain Biomarkers

Publish Year : March 2017
Price : ₹8418.00
Author(s) : GOULET J P
Publisher : SPRINGER
ISBN : 9783662539927
Discount : 23.00% off
  • This book provides up-to-date information on all aspects of orofacial pain biomarkers.
  • It opens by presenting background information on clinical phenotypes and the neurobiological substrates underlying chronic orofacial pain and by explaining the
  • potential role of biomarkers in the diagnosis, prognostic evaluation, and treatment of orofacial pain.
  • The main section of the book examines the contribution of human and animal studies to the field of biomarkers for orofacial pain.
  • The final section covers research-related issues in assessment methods and statistical analyses used in evaluating biomarkers, identifies future challenges and suggests new directions in the field
Orofacial Pain Biomarkers, SPRINGER, GOULET J P, Springer Orofacial Pain Biomarkers, Orofacial, Pain Biomarkers, Dentistry Books, Dentistry Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Medical Books Online Purchase, Medical Books Shopping, Online Book Store
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