Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Simplified Approach to Costing Theory Both Old & New Syllabus

Edition : 16th Edition
Publish Year : January 2019
Price : ₹391.00
Author(s) : CA K Hariharan FCA
Publisher : Wolters Kluwer
ISBN : 9789388313988
13.00% off
This edition has been drafted considering questions that have been asked in the past 37 CA-IPCC Examinations. The above said value additions would facilitate the students to revise important Concepts in a better way. Last few pages have been provided with important formula and formats which would help in carrying out preparation one day before the examination.
Key Features :
  • Appllicable for both old & new syllabus for may 2019 ICAI Exams
  • Last 38 attempts of ICAI past examinations
  • Extensive diagrams and charts to explain concepts
  • Point-wise theory in simplified manner
  • Formulas & paints to be remembered for last minute revision
  • FAQs on theory
  • Costing quiz to asses conceptual clarity
  • ICAI RTP question answers
Simplified Approach to Costing Theory Both Old & New Syllabus, CA K Hariharan FCA, Wolters Kluwer, CCH Learning Curve Series, CA IPCC, CMA Inter, CA IPCC Books, CA IPCC Books Online, CA Books, CA Books Online, Academic Books Online, Academic Exam Books Online, Entrance Exam Books Online, Online Book Store
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