Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Credit Appraisal, Risk Analysis & Decision Making

Edition : 10th Edition
Publish Year : January 2019
Price : ₹886.00
Author(s) : Dr D D Mukherjee
Publisher : Snow White Publications
ISBN : 9789350393277
Discount : 11.00% off
Credit Appraisal, Risk Analysis & Decision Making an Integrated Approach to on and off Balance Sheet Lending.
Highlights of the Book : 
  • Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss & Cashflow items – Explained from Banking, Accounting, Statutory & Management angles.
  • Analysis of Financial statements – A pragmatic approach.
  • Window Dressing methods unveiled.
  • Forecasting & Cash budgeting illustrated.
  • Decision making in credit – Various dimensions &Step by step approach with illustrations.
  • Nonfund-based facilities – Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantee & Derivatives.
  • Trade Finance – Including Bill Finance, Import & Export Finance.
  • Project Finance appraisal.
  • Standalone chapters on Retail Credit&Priority Sector lending.
  • Risk Management – Credit, Operational, Market & Country risks explained.
  • Relevant provisions of Companies Act 2013 & Amendments.
  • Salient Regulatory &Other trends – Overview & updates.
Credit Appraisal, Risk Analysis & Decision Making, Dr D D Mukherjee, Snow White Publications, Accounting & Auditing Books, Accounting & Auditing, Accounting & Auditing Books Online, Accounting Books, Auditing Books, Accounting Professional, Accounting Professional Books, Accounting Professional Books Online, Online Book Store, Online Books In India, Online Books Store India, Online Books Shopping
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