Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Achilles Tendon An Atlas Of Surgical Procedures

Publish Year : April 2017
Price : ₹5504.00
Author(s) : THERMANN H
Publisher : SPRINGER
ISBN : 9783662540732
Discount : 23.00% off
Key Features :
  • This book, written by leading experts in the field, is a comprehensive guide to the best available techniques in Achilles Tendon Surgery.
  • Like these previous volumes, The Achilles Tendon – An Atlas of Surgical Procedures is based on the highest level of evidence and expertise.
  • It will be invaluable for Orthopaedic Surgeons, Trauma Surgeons, and Residents, assisting them in their daily clinical work.
  • Each surgical procedure is described step by step, covering all of the approaches employed for the most common and important Achilles tendon pathologies.
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