Friday, January 11, 2019

Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment The Next Frontier Health Technology Assessment

Publish Year : January 2017
Price : ₹8418.00
Publisher : SPRINGER
ISBN : 9783319392035
Discount : 23.00% off
A timely work describing how localized hospital-based health technology assessment (HB-HTA) complements general, ‘arms-length’ HTA agency efforts, and what has been the collective global impact of HB-HTA across the globe. This book serves to bring this information together to inform those who are currently working in the field of HTA at the hospital, regional, national or global level.
Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment The Next Frontier Health Technology Assessment, SAMPIETRO-COLOM L, SPRINGER, Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment, Preventive & Social Medicine Books, Preventive & Social Medicine Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store
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