Thursday, January 24, 2019

High Performance In Hospital Management A Guideline For Developing And Developed Countries

Publish Year : May 2017
Price : ₹8418.00
Author(s) : WEIMANN E
Publisher : SPRINGER
ISBN : 9783662496589
Discount : 23.00%off
Key Features : 
  • High performance in Hospital Management assists managers of health care providers as well as doctors and nurses to engage in the successful management of a health care facility.
  • This book provides a broad overview of what is needed to run hospitals and other health care facilities effectively and efficiently.
  • The guidance offered is exceptional and applicable in both developed and developing countries.
  • Furthermore, the relevant theoretical background is outlined and instructive case reports are included.
  • All of the skills and tools required to achieve this aim are elucidated in the book.
High Performance In Hospital Management A Guideline For Developing And Developed Countries, WEIMANN E, SPRINGER, High Performance In Hospital Management, Hospital Management, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Medical Books in India, Medical Book Store, Online Book Store
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