Friday, January 25, 2019

Surgical Procedures On The Cirrhotic Patient

Publish Year : May 2017
Price : ₹7770.00
Author(s) : EGHTESAD B
Publisher : SPRINGER
ISBN : 9783319523941
Discount : 23.00% off
Key Features :
  • This volume provides a concise yet comprehensive overview on surgical procedures performed on the cirrhotic patient.
  • Operations discussed in detail include bariatric surgery, colorectal surgery, hepatic surgery, kidney transplantation, gynecological procedures, neurosurgical procedures, and ophthalmic surgery.
  • Written by experts in the field, Surgical Procedures on the Cirrhotic Patient is a valuable, multidisciplinary resource for clinicians who treat the cirrhotic patient.
Surgical Procedures On The Cirrhotic Patient, SPRINGER, EGHTESAD B, Surgical Procedures, The Cirrhotic Patient, Surgery Books, Surgery Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Medical Books in India, Medical Book Store, Online Book Store
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