Thursday, January 10, 2019

Movement Disorders Rehabilitation

Publish Year : December 2016
Price : ₹5827.00
Author(s) : CHIEN H F
Publisher : SPRINGER
ISBN : 9783319460604
Discount : 23.00% off
The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the most important movement disorders and describe the rehabilitation tools available for each disease. Movement Disorders Rehabilitation intends to serve as a practical guide on the field, attracting the interest of professionals and researchers on the fields of neurology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and other correlated therapies.
Movement Disorders Rehabilitation, SPRINGER, CHIEN H F, Orthopaedics, Disorders, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Interventions, Orthopaedics Books, Orthopaedics Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store
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