Friday, November 16, 2018

Theory Of Vibration Protection

Theory Of Vibration Protection, Publish Year-May 2016, Seller Price:₹11558.00, Author-KARNOVSKY I A, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319280189, 23.00% off. This text is an advancement of the theory of vibration protection of mechanical systems with lumped and distributed parameters. The book offers various concepts and methods of solving vibration protection problems, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, and the fields of their effective applications. The book also contains special topics such as suppression of vibrations at the source of their occurrence and the harmful influence of vibrations on humans.

Theory Of Vibration Protection, May 2016, KARNOVSKY I A, SPRINGER, Vibration Protection, Parametric Vibration Protection Theory, Optimal Active Vibration Protection Theory, Suppression of Vibrations

#TheoryOfVibrationProtection #PublishYear #May2016 #SellerPrice #₹11558.00 #Author #KARNOVSKYIA #Publisher #SPRINGER #ISBN #9783319280189 #Discount #23.00%off #Freeshipping #VibrationProtection #VibrationProtectionTheory #EngineeringBooksOnline #BuyBooksOnline #@MeriPustak #OnlineBookStore

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