Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Computer Applications in Business

Edition : 4th Edition 2019
Publish Year : January 2019
Price : ₹499.00
Author(s) : H.N Tiwari and Hem Chand Jain
Publisher : Taxmann Publication
ISBN : 9789388750127
Discount : 5.00% off
A comprehensive and authentic text book on “Computer Applications in Business” for B.Com (Hons):Three Year (6-Semester) CBCS Programme ofCentral Universities throughout India. The objective of the book is to impart computer skills and knowledge to commerce students and to enhance their understanding of information technology tools in handling the business operations.
Salient Features :
  • Provides indepth understanding of the computer concepts in student friendly manner.
  • Diagrams and illustrations are given to enhance comprehension of various concepts and system of computers.
  • A chapter has been added to illustrate applications of Excel in business.
  • Also covers the practical part of Business Mathematics Paper of B.Com (H) Semester-IV.
  • Summary and review questions at the end of each chapter for evaluating the understanding of the concept.
Computer Applications in Business, H.N Tiwari and Hem Chand Jain, Taxmann Publication, Computer Applications, Under Graduate, Under Graduate Books, Under Graduate Books Online, Academic Books Online, Academic Exam Books Online, Entrance Exam Books Online, Online Book Store
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