Friday, December 21, 2018

A Student Handbook on Auditing & Assurance Old Syllabus

A Student Handbook on Auditing & Assurance Old Syllabus, 14th Edition, Publish Year : December 2018, Price : ₹732.00, Author(s) : CA B Saravana Prasath and G Sekar, Publisher : Wolters Kluwer, ISBN : 9789388313605, 11.00% off. Complete Coverage of Chapters and Standards on Auditing: The Auditing Topics arc covered in the first part of the Book. The Standards on Auditing issued by the ICAI (as applicable at the Inter (IPC) Level), which is gaining more importance in the examinations are covered comprehensively in the second part of the Book.

A Student Handbook on Auditing & Assurance Old Syllabus, CA B Saravana Prasath and G Sekar, Wolters Kluwer, Auditing & Assurance, Auditing Concepts, Standards on Auditing, Auditing, Companies Act 2013, Auditing Books, Accounting Concepts in Auditing, CA IPCC Books, CA IPCC Books Online, CA Books Online, Academic Books Online, Academic Exam Books Online, Entrance Exam Books Online, CA IPCC, Online Book Store

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