Monday, December 17, 2018

Medical Emergencies Caused By Aquatic Animals A Zoological And Clinical Guide

Medical Emergencies Caused By Aquatic Animals A Zoological And Clinical Guide, Publish Year-September 2016, Price:₹5904.00, Author(s)-HADDAD, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319202877, 23.00% off. The present book is intended as a reference guide for emergency and ambulatory care medicine, providing essential information on the most important problems and incidents caused by venomous, poisoning and traumatic marine and freshwater animals, Freshwater Vertebrates. Medical Emergencies Caused By Aquatic Animals is intended for students and professionals in Medicine and the Biological Sciences as well as to practicing professionals working in coastal or freshwater areas. 

Medical Emergencies Caused By Aquatic Animals A Zoological And Clinical Guide, HADDAD, SPRINGER, Medical Emergencies Caused By Aquatic Animals, A Zoological And Clinical Guide, Medical Emergencies, Zoology, Ecology, Veterinary Books, Veterinary Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

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