Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Lipocrinology The Relationship between Lipids and Endocrine Function 1st Edition 2019

Lipocrinology The Relationship between Lipids and Endocrine Function 1st Edition 2019, Publish Year-December 2018, Price:₹1127.00, Author(s)-Sanjay Kalra and Gagan Priya, Publisher-Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, ISBN-9789352703883, 13.00% off. • Section 1 explores the impact of endocrine function on lipid health and the clinical utility of lipid parameters in decision-making in endocrine disorders. • Section 2 discusses the impact of adipose tissue and lipid metabolism on endocrine health, and the endocrine aspects of lipidology. • Section 3 focuses on the lipotropic effects of hormone-based therapies in various endocrine disorders including diabetes and describes the endocrine effects of lipid-lowering drugs, including recently introduced PCSK-9 inhibitors.

Lipocrinology The Relationship between Lipids and Endocrine Function, 1st Edition 2019, Sanjay Kalra and Gagan Priya, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Lipocrinology, Lipidology, Endocrinology, Lipid, Lipid Metabolism, Endocrine Function, Endocrinologists, Lipidologists, Cardiologists, Endocrinology Books Online, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

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