Monday, December 17, 2018

Drug Therapy And Interactions In Pediatric Oncology A Pocket Guide

Drug Therapy And Interactions In Pediatric Oncology A Pocket Guide, Publish Year-October 2016, Price:₹6560.00, Author(s)-SCHMIDT C W P, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319388717, 23.00% off. The present book is intended to offer guidelines about drug interactions for physicians, pharmacists and the other healthcare professionals involved in the chemotherapy of pediatric patients. This is an indispensable resource in daily practice for a wide range of health providers.

Drug Therapy And Interactions In Pediatric Oncology A Pocket Guide, SCHMIDT C W P, SPRINGER, Drug Therapy And Interactions In Pediatric Oncology, Drug Therapy, Pediatric Oncology, Oncology, Oncology Books, Oncology Books Online, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

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