Thursday, December 6, 2018

Science & Technology

Science & Technology, Edition-Sep-19, Publish Year-December 2018, Price:₹285.00, Author-NEXT IAS Team, Publisher-MADE EASY Publications, ISBN-9789351473978, 5.00% off. The syllabus under science and technology holds utmost importance for both preliminary and Mains examination. This book has been prepared to serve as a single source material dealing with the latest science and technology innovations and discoveries. This is the most updated and comprehensive book that you may find on science and technology without being heavy, thus helping you understand and grasp the most difficult, but important portion of UPSC examination.

Science & Technology, September 2019 Edition, December 2018, NEXT IAS Team, MADE EASY Publications, Science and Technology, Science, Technology, Civil Services Examination, UPSC examination, Civil Services, Civil Services Books Online, UPSC/PCS Books Online, Competitive Exams Books Online, Online Book Store 

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