Monday, December 10, 2018

Arterial Revascularization Of The Head And Neck

Arterial Revascularization Of The Head And Neck, Publish Year-August 2016, Price:₹5904.00, Author(s)-MURESIAN H, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319341910, 23.00% off. This book covers all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of stroke, Extensive consideration is given to the different methods of stroke prevention and arterial revascularization, with up-to-date information on pharmacological measures and clear presentation of endovascular stent placement procedures and surgical techniques. The book will be of value not only for cardiac and vascular surgeons but also for cardiologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, anatomists, specialists in diagnostic imaging, and interventional radiologists.

Arterial Revascularization Of The Head And Neck, MURESIAN H, SPRINGER, Arterial Revascularization, Arterial, Artery, Carotid Revascularization, ENT Books Online, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

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