Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Medical Statistics For Beginners

Medical Statistics For Beginners, Publish Year-November 2016, Price:₹5904.00, Author(s)-RAMAKRISHNA H K, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9789811019227, 23.00%off. This book deals with statistics in medicine in a simple way. The text is supported by abundant examples from medical data. This book aims to explain and simplify the process of data presentation.

Medical Statistics For Beginners, RAMAKRISHNA H K, SPRINGER, Medical Statistics, statistics in medicine, Medical, Medical Books, Medical Books Online

#MedicalStatisticsForBeginners #Author(s) #RAMAKRISHNAHK #Publisher #SPRINGER #MedicalStatistics #Medical #MedicalBooksOnline #OnlineBookStore #FreeShipping #Discount 

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