Friday, December 14, 2018

Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry 5th Edition

Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry 5th Edition, Publish Year-January 2018, Price:₹20320.00, Author(s)-David J Dabbs, Publisher-ELSEVIER, ISBN-9780323477321, 23.00% off. The new edition of this popular reference is your #1 guide for the appropriate use of immunohistochemical, It emphasis on the role of genomics in diagnosis and theranostic applications that will better inform treatment options. Features a systematic approach to the diagnostic entities of each organ system, including detailed differential diagnoses, diagnostic algorithms, and immunohistograms that depict immunostaining patterns of tumors.

Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry 5th Edition, David J Dabbs, ELSEVIER, Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Immunohistochemical, Theranostics and Genomics Applications, Theranostic Applications, Genomics Applications, Surgical Pathologists, Immunohistograms, Histology, Histology Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

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