Friday, December 14, 2018

The Dental Hygienists Guide To Nutritional Care 5th Edition

The Dental Hygienists Guide To Nutritional Care 5th Edition, Publish Year-February 2018, Price:₹4941.00, Author(s)-Judi Ratliff Davis and Cynthia A Stegeman, Publisher-ELSEVIER, ISBN-9780323497275, 21.00% off. This book was the first nutritional guide designed specifically for dental hygienists! UNIQUE! Biochemistry chapter covers the essential concepts tested on the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE). Clinically relevant applications to dental hygiene include a focus on patient education and dental hygiene considerations in each chapter.

The Dental Hygienists Guide To Nutritional Care 5th Edition, Judi Ratliff Davis and Cynthia A Stegeman, ELSEVIER, The Dental Hygienists, Guide To Nutritional Care, Nutritional Care, Nutritional Principles, Nutrition Books, Nutrition Books Online, Medical Books, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

#TheDentalHygienistsGuideToNutritionalCare #Author(s) #JudiRatliffDavis and #CynthiaAStegeman #Publisher #ELSEVIER #TheDentalHygienists #GuideToNutritionalCare #NutritionalCare #NutritionalPrinciples #NutritionBooks #NutritionBooksOnline #MedicalBooks #MedicalBooksOnline #OnlineBookStore 

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