Monday, December 10, 2018

An Experiential Approach To Psychopathology

An Experiential Approach To Psychopathology, Publish Year-August 2016, Price:₹9840.00, Author(s)-STANGHELLINI G, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319299433, 23.00% off. This book introduces the reader to a clear and consistent method for in-depth exploration of subjective psychopathological experiences with the aim of helping to restore the ability within psychiatry and clinical psychology to draw qualitative distinctions between mental symptoms that are only apparently similar, thereby promoting a more precise characterization of experiential phenotypes. It endorses three key principles: subjective phenomena are the quintessential feature of mental disorders; their qualitative study is mandatory; phenomenology has developed a rigorous method to grasp “what it is like” to be a person experiencing psychopathological phenomena.

An Experiential Approach To Psychopathology, STANGHELLINI G, SPRINGER, Psychopathology, Psychopathological Experiences, Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Mental Disorders, Psychiatry Books Online, Medical Books Online, Online Book Store

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