Monday, December 17, 2018

Calculus Problems Vol 101

Calculus Problems Vol 101, Publish Year-November 2016, Price:₹3607.00, Author(s)-BARONTI M, Publisher-SPRINGER, ISBN-9783319154275, 23.00% off. This book, intended as a practical working guide for calculus students. It is designed for undergraduate students in Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or any other field where rigorous calculus is needed, and will greatly benefit anyone seeking a problem-solving approach to calculus. Though the book’s primary focus is on functions of one real variable, basic ordinary differential equations (separation of variables, linear first order and constant coefficients ODEs) are also discussed.

Calculus Problems Vol 101, BARONTI M, SPRINGER, Calculus Problems, Calculus, Mathematics Books, Mathematics Books Online, Statistics Books, Statistics Books Online, Online Book Store

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