Friday, December 28, 2018

Business Law & Business Correspondence And Reporting for CA Foundation

Edition : 2nd Edition
Publish Year : December 2018
Price : ₹527.00
Author(s) : CA G Sekar
Publisher : Wolters Kluwer
ISBN : 9789388313599
Discount : 13.00% off

Section A: Business Law
Section B: Business Correspondence & Reporting

The following are the special features of this book

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Statutes are covered in detail with adequate illustrations. Full Syllabus as prescribed by the ICAI is covered in organized Topics.
  • Diagrams and Charts: Diagrams and Charts have been incorporated for better understanding of principles and concepts
  • Practical Questions: Practical Questions have heen introduced for tbe Students to test their knowledge on the various principles of Law and Business Correspondence and Reporting
  • MCQs: MCQs for Practice are given at the end of each topic
  • Chapter Overview: Chapter Overview is presented at the beginning of each Chapter for easy navigation of topics
Business Law & Business Correspondence And Reporting for CA Foundation, CA G Sekar, Wolters Kluwer, Business Law & Business Correspondence And Reporting, CA Foundation New Syllabus, CA Foundation, Business Law, Indian Contract Act, GST, Indian Partnership Act, Companies Act, CA CPT Books Online, CA Books Online, Academic Books Online, Academic Exam Books Online, Entrance Exam Books Online, Online Book Store 

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