Thursday, December 6, 2018

Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxation for CMA Inter New Syllabus

Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxation for CMA Inter New Syllabus, Edition-3rd Edition, Publish Year-December 2018, Price:₹659.00, Author(s)-Dr Girish Ahuja And Dr Ravi Gupta, Publisher-Wolters Kluwer, ISBN-9789388313841, 15.00% off. Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxation Includind GST and Customs Upto date with all the latest amendments. The book is useful for the students appearing in CMA Inter and other Specialised Studies. It will also be useful for graduate/post graduate students of various Universities and Management Institutes as well as the Departmental examinations of the Income-tax Department.

Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxation for CMA Inter New Syllabus, 3rd Edition, December 2018, Dr Girish Ahuja And Dr Ravi Gupta, Wolters Kluwer, Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxation Includind GST and Customs, Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxation, Indirect Taxation, GST and Customs, Taxation, CMA Inter New Syllabus, CMA Intermediate Books Online, CMA Books Online, Academic and Entrance Exam Books Online, Online Book Store

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1 comment:

  1. enterprise indirect taxation management
    SunTec’s cloud-based Indirect Tax Management on Xelerate platform is uniquely designed as a digital innovation middle layer. It can easily integrate with the bank’s existing technology landscape.
